CO2 Engineering Portal: Textile Processing Industry

Friday 21 October 2011

Textile Processing Industry

Here is a brief of a typical textile processing industry is given.


The process of singeing is used for removing the protruding fibers and making the fabric surface smooth. Gas singeing the fabric by directing a flame on it, burns the protruding fibers and make the surface of the fabric smooth. Singeing is done because of the following two reasons. 
1. to enhance the appearance of the fabric 
2. to make smooth by removing the pills
Different types of machines are available for singeing. 
One burner for Singeing (for one side singeing only)
Two burner for Singeing (for both sides of fabric)
Four Burner for Singeing (Singeing each side of the fabric twice) 

The main Manufacturers for singeing machines are;


To improve the performance of the yarn in weaving, size is applied to the yarn and this should be removed from the fabric before it is taken for processing. If not done so, shall lead to the contamination of the solution of the other processes and more over the full potential of the other processes will not be realized in addition to leaving a harsh handle to the processed goods.
Desizing is the process of removing the size applied during weaving. There are basically three type of desizing methods that are being adopted according the fabric construction, end use purpose and the economical requirements.
1. Acid Desizing
2. Basic Desizing
3. Enzymatic Desizing
The last two treatments are still being followed and the first one has been slowly going out of usage due to fabric strength loss.
The purpose of desizing is to remove the sizing ingredients such as starches, gums, PVA etc. The gums and PVA can be removed by simple hot wash. But starch has to be degraded in to smaller water  soluble  molecules by the process of hydrolysis. The hydrolysis of starch using enzymes under particular concentration, temperature and duration is called desizingThe enzyme desizing is carried out by padding the required concentration of the enzyme under the required pH and allowing the enzyme to hydrolyze the starch for a required length time in Pits.

Nowadays quick reacting enzymes are available in the market that can be used for continuous desizing operation without the need for allowing reaction time after the application of enzyme. Singe - Desize - Bleach- Mercerize-bleach- dry - is a simple route one can adopt instead of  going for a long route of 8 to 10 hour desizing.

The following parameters are considered to be very important to obtain a good singeing and desizing.
  1. Type of fabric - its construction, GSM, fibre content
  2. Speed of the application machine
  3. Flame height and intensity
  4. Brush position
  5. Bath Concentration, pH and temperature
  6. Mangle Expression percentage
Some conventional desizing recipes  on continuous processing machine  :-
Hydrogen Peroxide desizing (oxidative method/Basic method) :
Caustic soda 100%              = 40 g/l          Temperature of bath = room temperature
Sandozol HS                       = 0.3 g/l         pH of bath   = 10 to 10.5
Hydrogen Peroxide 50%       = 3.3 g/l         pH of the fabric = 8.5
Stabilizer AWNI                   = 0.3 g/l         Nip Pressure =; speed = 100 meters/minute
Pick up = 70%
Enzyme Based desizing:
Texsize (enzyme)   = 1 gpl     bath temperature = 60 to 70°C - Common salt = 10 gpl pH of bath = 5.5 to 6.5
Deternon = 5 gpl - pH of fabric = 5 to 6 ; Oxalic acid = 0.5 gpl ; Acetic acid = 1 gpl
Nip Pressure = 2.2 kg/sq cm ; Speed (meters/minute) = 100 - 120 ; pick up = 70 to 75%
There are so many new products and inventions are coming up in the market to counter the various needs of textile processors. Right from desizing at room temperature to boiling temperature and neutral to alkaline pH are available in the market.
You will see new updates on this topic regularly in this column.

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